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NXP launch the NTAG 424 DNA authentication NFC chip

19 September 2018   |   Industry News
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NXP have launched the next generation of their authentication NTAG series NFC tag authentication chips. Called the NTAG424 DNA, it will be available in both regular and tamperproof 'TT' versions.

The new NTAG424 DNA chip is designed to reduce the costs to bring NFC tag authentication to the mass market. The previous NTAG413 DNA was not widely adopted with many tag producers opting not to add it to their portfolio. However, the new chip, with a standard 50pF tag capacitance, should be easier to adopt and will likely reduce manufacturing costs.

Like it's predecessor, the NTAG413 DNA, the new chip also features the ability to include a unique secure code dynamically into the URL address. This is an important feature as the iPhone is currently only capable of reading the NDEF message portion of an NFC tag. By including the secure code dynamically in the URL, the NTAG424 chip will offer authentication to both Android and iPhone users without the requirement to download any app. 

The new chip is marketed towards, and is likely to be adopted by, a very broad range of industries including fashion, food and beverages, pharmaceuticals and electronics. 

"As the co-founder of NFC, NXP continues to play a pivotal role in expanding the NFC ecosystem through our legacy of technology leadership," said Alexander Rensink, business segment manager smart products at NXP. "With our new NTAG 424 DNA tag chips, we are raising the standard for trusted product authentication while enabling a new world of unique mobile user experiences for products in just about any industry vertical."

NTAG 424 DNA TagTamper variant also includes a tag tamper loop which can permanently record any break in the loop. This operates in the same way as the NTAG213 TT chip and provides a simple system of detecting tampering in product packaging.

Key features

ISO/IEC 14443-A, NFC Forum Type 4

416 bytes total, 256 bytes NDEF, 128 bytes protected data file

Standards-based AES-128 encryption for authentication/secure messaging, or an alternative LRP-wrapped AES protocol for even higher attack resistance.

SUN message authentication for advanced data protection within standard NDEF read operation

Random ID and encrypted UID for enhanced privacy protection

Privacy-protected user data via Random ID and encrypted UID/data to enable compliance with latest data privacy regulations.

Attack-resistant hardware design to avoid data breaches and cloning.

High input capacitance (50 pF) for compact antenna design

Optional tamper protection with the NTAG 424 DNA TagTamper to securely detect if the tag seal remains intact for product integrity.

Seritag opinion

The NTAG413 DNA contained a great set of features but was not widely adopted. There were two reasons for this. Firstly, many tag producers reported that they didn't like the format and were reluctant to commit development time to the chip. Secondly, the cost of the NTAG413 DNA was relatively high, coming in three to four times the price of standard NFC chips.

It was generally considered within the industry that the price point would simply be too high for mass adoption. Seritag agree to an extent. While full mass market adoption is not likely to be achieved until the price of authentication tags approaches regular tags, it really depends on the market that the tags are being used in. The real difference in cost for many applications - high end fashion, wines, artworks, etc - is not likely to be a factor in many deployments. Additionally, the price and availability of software to support the tags is becoming more accesible. While companies like HID and NXP offer a larger scale software option for verification, Seritag have also now launched their full featured ixkio authentication tag platform on a simple monthly subscription. 

It's obviously going to take a while before mass market adoption on the scale of UHF/RFID tags. However, there's no question that this new NTAG424 chip is starting to break down the barriers. The power of authentication tags to prevent counterfeit goods and connect the physical to the digital is one step closer. 


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