Image of NFC Connect Card Black NTAG424
Close up image of an NFC Connect Card Black NTAG424
Detail of an NFC Connect Card Black NTAG424
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  3. Connect Card Black NTAG424

Connect Card Black NTAG424

  • High performance scan distance
  • Intergrated with genuine NXP NTAG424 for authetnication
  • Stylish, ultra-modern design
A full black PVC card in crystal matt finish and central gloss finish NFC icon. This slick ultramodern card design is durable and scratch resistant. The gloss NFC icon is not printed but just spot gloss highlighted which looks superb.

Great scan performance from the integrated with a genuine NXP NTAG424 chip, Note that the NTAG424 is an advanced chip that requires specialised software for encoding and verifying the anti-counterfeit features. Usual NFC mobile apps cannot encode these chips to work with authentication. Ixkio tag management users can use the ixkio mobile app to encode for both redirect or API with full authentication.

Also available as a custom print option as special order.

Authentication Tags Explained

A quick guide

A normal NFC chip, such as the NTAG213, NTAG215 or iCODE SLIX can store a URL (web link) in it's memory. When scanned, it presents this link to the scanner (a mobile phone for example). It presents the same link every time, in a similar way to a QR Code. 

An authentication NFC chip, such as the NTAG424, works differently. When the URL is encoded onto the tag, a secret key is also encoded, along with some other settings. When the tag is scanned, it presents the URL but also a unique code which is generated using this secret key. This unique code changes on every scan and can be verified using an authentication server which will hold the same secret key. 

Note that the full name for the NTAG424 chip is the NTAG424 DNA. We usually just refer to it as the NTAG424 chip. 

Using authentication chips

As this code is unique for each scan, these NTAG424 NFC tags can be used for anti-counterfeit and authentication. It makes them extremely powerful as they can be used to ensure that the tag is the exact tag that you expect it to be. All from a simple scan with a mobile phone (no special app required).

Authentication chips have a huge range of use cases from the obvious protection of luxury goods, artwork and pharmacuiticals to supply chain security, document authentication, ticketing, proof of physical presence, secure log-on and more. 

Encoding authentication chips

While standard NFC tags can be easily encoded with any of the free mobile phone applications, encoding NTAG424 chips is substantially more complicated. You have four choices : 

  1. Use NXP's TagXplorer desktop software to encode the tags (note that NXP no longer support this software but at the time of writing it was still available to download)
  2. Build your own encoding system.
  3. Get Seritag to encode your tags for you
  4. Use our Ixkio Tag Management platform and encode with our ixkio mobile app.

More information

For more information on buying and using NTAG424 or other authentication chips, contact us or read more about NFC tag authentication.


We will send you an email after you have placed your order to provide details on how to upload your artwork and encoding files.


Seritag Product Code : ST1025
Current Stock : 500 (need more?)We can typically supply additional stock of this product within 4 weeks. However, we very strongly advise you to contact us for exact production schedules for non-stock items before ordering.

Price per Card : 
1 - 199$1.89
200 - 499$1.69
500 - 999$1.58
1,000 - 1,999$1.54
2,000 - 4,999$1.49
5,000 - 9,999$1.40
10,000 - 19,999$1.34
20,000 - 49,999$1.30
50,000 +Contact Us
(price excludes VAT)Show prices with VAT 
(You can encode the tags yourself)
Total Cost :

(excludes VAT)


Product Data

NFC Chip NTAG424
Interface Specification ISO 14443 / 13.56 MHz / NFC Forum Type 4
Total Memory 416 Bytes (User)
Data Retention 50 years (estimated)
Metal Surfaces (?)Not suitable
Unique Print (?)ID & QR Print Available
Real ScanStrength (?)
Printing Option None
Size 54mm x 85.6mm
Weather Resistance Very High
Temperature Limits 120C 72 hours / 150C 4 hours
Delivery Format Single Units
NFC & QR Code Management
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Seritag is a trading name of TabDesk Ltd, a UK Registered company 10474154. VAT Registration Number GB256328005.